Connect with Fiuu (previously known as Razer Merchant Services)
In this article:
Steps to register Fiuu Account
Connect with Fiuu
Auto-refund for Fiuu
1. Introduction
Fiuu (previously known as Razer Merchant Services) is an online payment solution that enables you to collect payments securely at the physical shops and through online payment channels.
Make sure you have a registered account with Fiuu. You will need your Merchant ID, Verify Key and Secret Key to proceed. Don't have an account?
Click here to register for a Fiuu account.
Click here to know more about Fiuu.
2. Steps to register Fiuu Account
Step 1: Click this registration link
🎁 Redeem Free Fiuu Account
If you have subscribed to EasyStore Standard annual plan and above, you are entitled to claim the complimentary Fiuu account Sign Up and Annual Fee (worth RM899) which is offered exclusively for our Malaysia merchants.
Click here to find out more about Free Fiuu redemption
Step 2: Fill in your email address > sign up
Step 3: Login to Fiuu account. After you click sign up, Fiuu will email a temporary password to your email. You can use the temporary password to login

Step 4: Reset your new password for the 1st time login
💡 Tips: If you forgot your password, click on Forgotten password / Didn't receive email? in the login page to reset your new password

Step 5: Click on get started > fill in the Application Form. There will be 4 sections of application form
5.1 Business / Company Information and Key Contact Person Information
Fill in the required fields > click Next to proceed
💡 Tips: Terminal details: Choose 'OWN TERMINAL' and the connection type of your terminal if you're not using the terminal provided by Fiuu

5.1A Outlet Information
📌 This step is applicable when Fiuu terminal is needed. Fiuu allow you to create your own Store ID and Store Name.
💡 Tips: If Fiuu terminal is not needed, you can leave the Store ID = Blank > Store Name = dash "-" (refer screenshot below) > fill up your address

5.2 Bank Information
Fill in the bank details > click Next to proceed

5.3 Plan Selection
Select the plan that you want to subscribe > click Next to proceed.
💡 Tips: By default, Fiuu already assists in selecting applicable payment channels, which are indicated by a green outline. However, if you need other payment channels, you can also select them from the list provided.
💡 Tips: Online Banking Plan #2 is for B2C (customers using personal bank account), Online Banking Plan #3 is for B2B (customers using corporate bank account)

5.4 Documents Upload
Upload documents as per requirements > click Agree and Submit to proceed.

Read the agreement > Tick on the box to agree with the terms > Click Accept

Read the agreement > Tick on the box to agree with the terms > Click Accept

You will received this message once the successful submission has been made

💡 Tips: You can check the application progress from the Dashboard section

Step 8 : Approval
Once Fiuu has approved your application, you will receive 2 emails.
1st email : To inform you about application has been approved.
2nd email: Within 1-3 working days from approved application, you will receive another email which provide you with your Fiuu login details. You may now use the login details to log in to your Fiuu portal via
3. Connect with Fiuu
Step 1 : Go to EasyStore Admin > Settings > Payments > Add payment method > select Razer Merchant Services.

Step 2 : Fill in your preferred Display name and Description which will be shown to customers at checkout payment method page/section.

Step 3 : Follow the Guide and set up Return URL, Notification URL and Callback URL in your Fiuu portal.

Example: If your domain name is , kindly fill in the link below
📌 Note : Do make sure to activate the SSL certificate for your domains. Once done, the URLs will become https://
Return URL :
Notification URL:
Callback URL :
Log in to your Fiuu portal > Transactions > Settings and insert the URLs for the latest version. Don't forget to also enable Instant Payment Notification (IPN).

Step 4 : Insert your Merchant ID, Verify Key and Secret Key.
💡 Tips: You can get the Verify Key and Secret Key at Transactions > Settings and Merchant ID at Merchant Profile > General Info in your Fiuu portal

Step 5 : Scroll to bottom and click Add sub payment method to select your subscribed channels.
📌 Note: Please select only the subscribed channels to avoid invalid transaction.
For example, if you have only subscribed to the following channels with Fiuu:
Cash payment (7-eleven)
ATM, and
Direct Internet Banking ( Maybank2u, CIMB Clicks, RHB Now and Affin Bank ),
you should only select these channels which will be shown at checkout payment option page/section for customers to choose and make payment
💡 Tips: If you need more channels may request Fiuu team to enable for you by sending email to, quoting your Merchant ID

Step 6 : You can click on the pencil icon beside sub payment method to set transaction charge type and insert the amount accordingly (optional). This amount will be added into order sub-total and payable by customers to you.

Step 7 : Save and you're done!
Step 8 : We suggest you can place a test order in your store to make sure the connection is successful.
In case you encounter P02 error code, it normally means the selected payment method is not supported for your Fiuu account yet. You may contact Fiuu support team at to further assist you, quoting your Merchant ID.

Didn't find what you were looking for? See a list of more payment options and here would be the RMS Pre-Live Checklist answers, just in case you needed it! 😉
4. Auto-refund for Fiuu
Fiuu payment getaway can perform auto-refund via EasyStore admin panel on the payment methods below:
credit card (status is “authorized”/“captured”) - Takes up to 14 days to credit into customer (buyer) account.
Razer Pay
WeChat Pay
Online Banking (FPX) - take up to 7 business day to credit into customer (buyer) account.
However, the refund on Online Banking (FPX) only support transactions paid by sub payment methods below:
CIMB Clicks
Hong Leong Connects
Maybank QR Push
📌 Note: Only Online Banking (FPX) Transaction that happens within 180 days can request refund from Fiuu.
Here would be the flow to refund with Fiuu:
Step 1 : After clicking on Refund button, the refund request will send to Fiuu API and will be under pending on refund status (success/rejected)

Step 2 : During the refund, you (as the merchant) is required to enter customers details for a refund such as:
Reason for the Refund
Customers' Name
Customers' Account Number
Select customers' bank - must match with the sub payment selected by customers in order to perform the refund action.
📌 Note: This action cannot be undone and you are not allowed to edit customers' details once the refund request is sent out.

Step 3 : After clicking on the Refund Order button, you will see "Refund request sent to RazerMS. Current status: Pending (Upon request). Please wait for result". message

Step 4 : After a few minutes, our system will automatically update the status to Refunded" if the refund request made is successful. If the refund request failed, the payment status will be under "Refund Rejected"

📌 Things to take note :
If the refund button clicked but no status update within 2 hours until 24 hours , you can click on "refund" again, system will auto requery Fiuu about the latest refund status.
Settlement day for Fiuu will be weekly, so if there's refund, need to process it before settlement day.
The transaction might not refundable by Fiuu if it's had been settled (transferred) by Fiuu to your bank account (means higher chance will be rejected)
To void / stop the customer payment from payment method below immediately, must do that before cut-off time on the same day.
Credit card payment cut-off time is 10pm GMT+8 same day
Other channels (Razer Pay, Alipay-Spot, TnG, Boost and WeChat Pay) cut-foo time are 11:59pm GMT+8 same day
Updated on: 13/03/2024
Thank you!