Connect with Maybank2u
In this article:
Note before integration
Register Maybank2u Pay Account
Get User Acceptance Testing ( UAT ) Payee Code
Perform User Acceptance Test ( UAT )
Get Production Payee Code
Important Note
1. Introduction
Maybank2u Pay is an online debit payment gateway solution for your business which enables your customers to pay for online purchases instantly and securely via Maybank Current or Saving account.
Transaction fee is as simple as RM0.50 per transaction. You may contact Maybank (Mr. Mohamad Muttaqin B. Mokrat) through the contact details for further clarifications: OR
+60 14-511 5208 (Available for WhatsApp)
2. Note before integration
Maybank requires your website to encrypt with Comodo SSL. The complimentary SSL encryption provided by EasyStore does not fit the criteria. Hence, you will need to purchase the Comodo SSL certificate in order to complete this setup. It is recommended that you purchase it after the successful application with Maybank ( after Step 3 ). You may refer to the article below to buy and install Comodo SSL in your store
Buy and install Comodo SSL in your store
3. Register Maybank2u Pay Account
3.1 Go to Maybank2u Pay at
3.2 If you don’t have an account yet, click on "Sign Up Now".

3.3 At sign up page:
Fill in your First Name, Last Name, Email, Password, and Captcha Answer
Tick on I have agree to Terms & Conditions ( after you have read and agreed )
Click "Sign Up"

3.4 Click "Back To Home" > you will be prompted with a message to verify your account.

3.5 Go to your mailbox and find the verification email from Maybank > click "Verify Email Address" in the email to verify your account.

3.6 Your verification is successful and clicked log in

3.7 At Payee Application Form:
Fill up Your Business Informations
Tick on Declaration page ( after you have read and agreed )
Click "Submit"

3.8 After submission, you'll have to wait for the approval email from Maybank. It may take several working days.
4. Get User Acceptance Testing ( UAT ) Payee Code
4.1 After you have received the approval email from Maybank, log in to your Maybank2u Pay account > click "Technical Requirement".
4.2 Fill in your Response URL and Port Number
User Acceptance Testing
Port Number
443 ( the HTTPS URL port number is 443 )
📌Note: Please insert your website domain name

4.3 Upload your Comodo SSL certificate ( in .zip file format ) for both UAT & Production environments to establish a secure connection with your Response URLs.

4.4 Fill up your Technical Representative’s Contact Details
Select Outsourced/ Hire company to do
Name: EasyStore Commerce Sdn. Bhd.
Contact No: -

4.5 Click "Submit".
4.6 After submission, you'll have to wait for the confirmation email from Maybank.
5. Perform User Acceptance Test ( UAT )
📌 Note: Before starting the test, please make sure you have contacted Maybank to enable SNI for your account.
5.1 This test will make a successful checkout at your store using Maybank2u Pay gateway payment method.
5.2 After you have received the confirmation email from Maybank, log in to your Maybank2u Pay account > dashboard > click on View UAT Data.
5.3 Copy the Payee Code for User Acceptance Testing.

5.4 Go to EasyStore Admin > Settings > Payments > Add payment > select Maybank2u Pay gateway.

5.5 At setup page:
fill in your Account Number
paste the UAT payee code under Maybank2u UAT Payee Code
make sure Maybank2u Production Payee Code is empty
make sure the payment method is Enabled ( suggest change to Disabled after the test to prevent customers choosing Maybank2u Pay which is still under testing )
click "Save".

5.6 Go to your storefront > add a product to cart and proceed to checkout Payment method page.
5.7 Add "?testing=true" at the end of the URL > press "Enter" to refresh the page.

5.8 After the page is refreshed > select Maybank2u Pay gateway > click "Place Order Now".
5.9 You will see the pop-up of Maybank2u Pay Test Environment > click on "Success".

5.10 You will see RPN has been sent successfully with status of 00. This means your test is successful

📌 Note:
If you encounter “Payee does not exist” error, it means your UAT code is yet to be configured by Maybank technical team. You may try again after few days. If the error still persists, please refer back to Maybank regarding the error

5.11 Screenshot the success pop-up > upload the screenshot to your Maybank2u Pay portal under tab Payee Code.

5.12 Send an email to to notify on your completed test > Maybank will provide a UAT Sign Off form > fill up the form and send back to them.
5.13 After submission, you'll have to wait for the acknowledgement email from Maybank.
6. Get Production Payee Code
6.1 After you have received the acknowledgment email from Maybank, log in to your Maybank2u Pay account > dashboard > click on View UAT Data.
6.2 Copy the Payee Code for Production.
6.3 Go to EasyStore Admin > Settings > Payments > Maybank2u Pay gateway
paste the Production payee code under Maybank2u Production Payee Code
enable Maybank2u Pay gateway
click "Save".

6.4 Your customers can now select the Maybank2u Pay payment method at checkout
🛑 Important Note
If orders status not update / there's no reference number in order history, this might be some issue with:
Sectigo SSL - Either Domain not using it anymore/expired
Callback URL setting wrong (check with Maybank)
SNI being disabled (check with Maybank)
Updated on: 09/11/2023
Thank you!