Add new content page for your store
In this article:
Create a new page
Publish this page in storefront
Edit meta description for this page
1. Create a new page
1.1 Go to EasyStore Admin > Channels > Online Store > Pages > Add page > select your template.

For blank template ( Template 1 ) - fill in your page Title and Description.
You can generate sample policy in blank template.

For other templates - fill in your page Title and select your Page content.
Each section can be in text, image or video . If you do not need that section, click the dustbin icon to delete section.

2. Publish this page in storefront
2.1 By creating a page won't make it show anywhere in storefront, you need to publish it and create a navigator which could link to this page.
2.2 On the right hand side, select Visibility which decides when will this page be visible in storefront.

Publish - publish immediately
Schedule - set a specific publish date and time
Unpublish - do not publish ( hidden )
2.3 Select Navigation which decides where will this page link be visible in storefront. You can edit this navigation setting later in Admin > Online Store > Navigations as well.

Don't show in any menu: hide from storefront, share via page URL ( copy from SEO section )

Main Menu, Quick Links Footer and Terms & Policy Footer

3. Edit meta description for this page
3.1 You can edit the SEO meta description for your page as well. If not edited, it will follow your page description by default.
3.2 Scroll down to the bottom and click on Edit website SEO.

3.3 Edit your Meta description.

3.4 Save and you're all done.
Updated on: 04/10/2023
Thank you!