Articles on: Online Store (Website)

Add your business location

If you have a physical shop, store or office, you are recommended to add your business location to the website. Why? 🤔

First, build customer trust

Letting customers know where you’re actually located adds credibility to your website or business. Otherwise, you’re just a vague concept floating around on the internet. Include your physical location so that visitors can place you in their minds.

Second, users search for local businesses

Your target market is probably more likely to search for “your-location your-product” than “your-product”. For example, “Puchong cinemas” makes more sense as a search term than just “cinemas”

Third, this may improve your rating in search engines

It has been argued that including a physical address can boost Google’s trust in your website. This has not been proven to be an indisputable fact, but there is some evidence indicating that having a real world, verifiable address on your website boost your site’s credibility according to Google, which DOES impact your ranking.

Wanted to give your customer an accurate business location information? Here's a guide to embed the map location onto the online store:

Step 1 : Remote to the Google Map. After you found your business location, you may get your location scripts by click on "Share" on the left panel.

Step 2 : Click on the "Embed map" and copy the scripts inside the red box selections.

Step 3 : Go to Admin Panel > Channels > Online Store > Pages > Add page. Paste the scripts into a blank page inside the EasyStore Content section by clicking on the "Code View" icon

Step 4 : After pasted, you can re-click on the "code view" icon again to preview the map.

Step 5 : You can "Ctrl + zoom" to view the map details.

Step 6 : Save and you're done

Updated on: 22/01/2024

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