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Common TikTok Shop Error

In this article, we will talk about some frequent sync errors for TikTok:

Valid Tax Number
Non Local Language
Product Package Weight
Product Description
Product Image
Product Variant
Stock Count

1. Invalid Tax Number

Error: create_product - This seller is not able to create or edit product. Check if the seller has a valid tax number

Description: this error is due to TikTok platform will show it on the invoices for tax compliance purposes. It’s legally required (under jurisdictions’ marketplace facilitator sales tax rules) to calculate, charge and collect applicable taxes on all sales made through TikTok Shop, which uses an unidentified third-party for sales tax compliance.

May update Tax number at tiktok seller center -> My account -> account settings -> Taxes -> fill in tax information > select "Yes, i have registered for SST in Malaysia" -> insert SST number and save. May check SST your SST number and status at (The Malaysia SST number has 15 alphanumeric characters in the format ANN-YYMM-NNNNNNNN)

2. Non Local Language

Error : create_product - description contains non-local language

Description: Currently Tiktok Shop do not support Mandarin for product description. Only support English/Malay in description

3. Product Package Weight

Error: create_product - product package weight is invalid

Description: The product weight cannot less than 0.1KG and exceed 100KG (only support Kilogram - KG as the measurement unit). Kindly make sure your product has been added with a valid weight

Error: create_product- package volume exceed limit.

Desctiption: At least put minimum 1cm for the height, length and width

Error: Width, length and height must greater than zero

Desctiption: At least put minimum 1cm for the height, length and width, not 0 amount

4. Product Description

Error: Product: Information that directs users to other websites which TikTok Shop cannot guarantee are safe

Description: The error possible due to the product content(descriptions and images) consisting of words or sentences that prompt buyer to another site. Suggest consulting TikTok Shop support team for further checking.

Error: Update_product - Failed to submit due to the product is suspected of using clickbait to attract traffic, please change the price and try again.

Description: The details within the product (Description, or title) may contain URLs / content in the image that redirect user to external links. Remove inappropriate link and sync product again

Error: update_product - The product name cannot exceed 255 characters, and cannot less 25 characters.

Description: Product maximum characters is 255 and minumum is 25 characters include spacing.

5. Product Image

Error: update_product - Invalid product image , check URL

Description: Suggest trying to re-upload the product image in TikTok Seller Center then try to resync (happened when enable “sync inventory only” to sync updated image)

Error: update_product - Size chart image width and length must be at least 100:100 and should not exceed 20000:20000

Description: Currently does not support “Use size chart tool” yet, suggest upload size chart image

Error: Create_product - Invalid product description image uri

Description: TikTok does not support GIF/WEBP format image, suggest use JPG/JPEG format without larger than 1MB in the product image and description image (May right click on the image > properties to check image format)

💡 Use image resize tools to resize image and update format

Error: update_product - sale property image is invalid

Description: Kindly proceed to TikTok seller center and reupload the variant image. The image width and height must be same

6. Product Variant

Error: Missing variation value. Please resync this product and add in the variation value.

Description: For now, Product in EasyStore must select variantion on the TikTok product sync page to ensure product successfully sync to TikTok

Error: duplicate attribute product name

Description: Duplicate variantion name at product sync page, kindly make sure the name of all variants is not duplicated. If cannot edit, go to TikTok setting page there and disable "sync inventory only" option

Error: update_product - product open platform internal error

Description: This is due to Tiktok site error. Facing timeout issue, may try to resync again after several minutes. Or contact TikTok team for further assistant.

Error: create_product - The SKU contains duplicate sales attribute.

Description: Due to SKU is duplicated on the product sync page, each SKU can be use 1 time only.

Error: Update product-sale property is invalid; detail:property is invalid; detail:property value name is repeatable

Description: Product variant in EasyStore and TikTok is different, suggest to change the name of EasyStore product variant to be the same as TikTok product variant.

Error: create_product - param is invalid; detail:param warehouse_id Check invalid

Description: This error is related to Warehouse under TikTok Seller center, may check if you have added and setup Warehouse information from Tiktok Seller Center > My Account > Account Settings > Warehouse settings.

Error: update_product - property is invalid; detail:do not find required property

Description: Merchant need to fill in variants, and product dimension part, cannot leave it blank. If still facing error, may contact EasyStore support team for further assistance

7. Stock Count

Error: update_stock - stock count is invalid; detail:sku id:1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, warehouse id: 7xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx less reserve stock limit,current reseve stock:10

Description: The inventory issue should be caused by reserve stock set in TikTok causing EasyStore unable to update the inventory to TikTok Sope due to the current stock is 0 in EasyStore (less than the reserve stock - 10).

Error: update_stock - product status is invalid

Description: The product get freeze / rejected from TikTok as they might violate TikTok Rules & Regulation or contain link that redirect to external links. Remove inappropriate link and sync again. Or contact TikTok support team for more informations

Updated on: 27/09/2024

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