Display product quantity & SKU on product page (2020 themes)
This article will guide you to have product quantity & SKU displayed on your website. With this, your customers would be able to identify how many products are left. When clicked, it will expand to show the available quantity for all variations too!
By having product quantity displayed on the product page, there are 2 files that need to be edited:
📌 Note: These steps require to edit coding file that found in the theme come before Candy theme, example: X-force, Prisme, DOUX, & etc. For 2022 themes, may refer this link

Display product quantity on product page
Display product SKU on product page
Change the colour of the wording
⚠️ Kindly take note:
Above all code editing, you will need to re-edit the code again if you switch to a new theme template
We do not allow to change or edit the code for the checkout page (which include shipping & payment method) due to security reasons
Make sure that you have selected EasyStore tracks inventory of this product
Make sure the inventory quantity is not 0nor else the product quantity will not be displayed on the product page.

Step 1: Go to EasyStore Admin > Channels > Online Store > Edit source > under templates > product.liquid
Step 2 : Look for {% app_snippet 'product/button' %} and add the code below
<div id="product-stock-display" class="h6"></div>
📌 Note: For larger font, you can replace "h6" with "h3" or "h4"

Step 3 : Save
Step 4 : Select timber.js under assets and look for // Select a valid variant if available
and add the code below before it
if(variant.available && variant.inventory_quantity > 0){ $('#product-stock-display').text(variant.inventory_quantity+' piece available'); if(variant.title != 'Default Title'){ $('#product-stock-display').text(variant.title+' '+variant.inventory_quantity+' piece available'); } }else{ $('#product-stock-display').text(''); }
📌 Note : You can change the word "`piece available`" into your preferred text

Step 5 : Save and you're done
Attached GIF image as extra reference:

📌 Important Note : Make sure you have filled in the SKU section at products page to display SKU on product page.

Step 1: Go to EasyStore Admin > Channels > Online Store > Edit source > templates > product.liquid
Step2 :Add this code <div id="product-sku-display" class="h6"></div> here before {% app_snippet 'product/field_bottom' %}

Step 3 : Save
Step 4 : Select timber.js from assets and look for // Select a valid variant if available
if (variant.available)
Copy this code
if(variant.available && variant.sku != ''){$('#product-sku-display').text('SKU: '+variant.sku);}else{$('#product-sku-display').text('');}
and paste it before // Select a valid variant if available if (variant.available)

Step 5 : Save
Result :

Step 1: Go to EasyStore Admin > Channels > Online Store > Edit source > theme.scss
Step2 : Copy this code
Product Quantity:
#product-stock-display { color: #000000; }
Product SKU:
#product-sku-display { color: #000000; }
and paste it at the bottom of the theme.scss file. You may get the color hex code (#EA2121) of your preferred color [here](https://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/html-color-codes.html)

Step 3 : Save and here's the result

By having product quantity displayed on the product page, there are 2 files that need to be edited:
📌 Note: These steps require to edit coding file that found in the theme come before Candy theme, example: X-force, Prisme, DOUX, & etc. For 2022 themes, may refer this link

In this article :
Display product quantity on product page
Display product SKU on product page
Change the colour of the wording
⚠️ Kindly take note:
Above all code editing, you will need to re-edit the code again if you switch to a new theme template
We do not allow to change or edit the code for the checkout page (which include shipping & payment method) due to security reasons
Make sure that you have selected EasyStore tracks inventory of this product
Make sure the inventory quantity is not 0nor else the product quantity will not be displayed on the product page.

1. Display product quantity on product page
Step 1: Go to EasyStore Admin > Channels > Online Store > Edit source > under templates > product.liquid
Step 2 : Look for {% app_snippet 'product/button' %} and add the code below
<div id="product-stock-display" class="h6"></div>
📌 Note: For larger font, you can replace "h6" with "h3" or "h4"

Step 3 : Save
Step 4 : Select timber.js under assets and look for // Select a valid variant if available
and add the code below before it
if(variant.available && variant.inventory_quantity > 0){ $('#product-stock-display').text(variant.inventory_quantity+' piece available'); if(variant.title != 'Default Title'){ $('#product-stock-display').text(variant.title+' '+variant.inventory_quantity+' piece available'); } }else{ $('#product-stock-display').text(''); }
📌 Note : You can change the word "`piece available`" into your preferred text

Step 5 : Save and you're done
Attached GIF image as extra reference:

2. Display product SKU on product page
📌 Important Note : Make sure you have filled in the SKU section at products page to display SKU on product page.

Step 1: Go to EasyStore Admin > Channels > Online Store > Edit source > templates > product.liquid
Step2 :Add this code <div id="product-sku-display" class="h6"></div> here before {% app_snippet 'product/field_bottom' %}

Step 3 : Save
Step 4 : Select timber.js from assets and look for // Select a valid variant if available
if (variant.available)
Copy this code
if(variant.available && variant.sku != ''){$('#product-sku-display').text('SKU: '+variant.sku);}else{$('#product-sku-display').text('');}
and paste it before // Select a valid variant if available if (variant.available)

Step 5 : Save
Result :

3. Change the colour of the wording
Step 1: Go to EasyStore Admin > Channels > Online Store > Edit source > theme.scss
Step2 : Copy this code
Product Quantity:
#product-stock-display { color: #000000; }
Product SKU:
#product-sku-display { color: #000000; }
and paste it at the bottom of the theme.scss file. You may get the color hex code (#EA2121) of your preferred color [here](https://www.rapidtables.com/web/color/html-color-codes.html)

Step 3 : Save and here's the result

Updated on: 22/01/2024
Thank you!