Common Shopee Error
This FAQ is designed to assist in identifying and resolving common errors that may occur while syncing products, managing stores, or handling orders with Shopee through EasyStore platform. Below is a list of common errors that many merchants encounter, along with explanations and solutions.
The common errors are divided into three sections:
Your access to shop has expired
This error indicates that your access to the Shopee shop has expired. Please reauthorize your account from the Shopee channel on the EasyStore Settings page.
Shop is under vacation mode
This error occurs when your shop is in vacation mode. Please go to Shopee Seller Center and disable vacation mode.
Invalid shop ID or Invalid account status
This error indicates that your Shopee shop may be frozen. Please contact Shopee customer service or your account manager for assistance.
Invalid Category ID
This error occurs when the selected category may be outdated. Please inform EasyStore about this.
Item-logisitics channel (ID: 20010) not in shop logistic list
This error occurs because the merchant has disabled the logistics channel on Shopee. Please re-enable the logistics channel on Shopee and resync the product.
Item-spex error: Item count reaches shop limit
This error occurs when the product count limit for your Shopee shop is reached. Please check the total number of products in Shopee and confirm whether you can create new products.
Volumetric weight should be between 0.01 and 30.0
This error occurs when product dimensions are missing. Please ensure the product’s width, length, and height are filled in and then resync.
Item-Length/Width/Height is mandatory for current category
Make sure the product dimension (length , width, height) must more than 1cm at EasyStore product detail page.
Can't update item price when item is under promotion
This error occurs because the product is under promotion in Shopee, and price updates are not allowed during promotions.
You can update other fields like inventory or title, but for price updates, please wait until the promotion ends. Refer to this link to see which product information can be edited during a promotion.
Item-spex error: Model price min/max ratio too high
This error occurs when the price gap between variants is too large (max/min ratio exceeds 7). Please adjust the price ratio between the variants and try syncing again.
Image download failed
The issue could be related to image size. Shopee requires images to be at least 500x500 pixels and under 2MB. Ensure your images meet these requirements and try resyncing. If the issue persists, it could be a temporary Shopee server issue—try again later.
Product name cannot be less than 20 & more than 120 characters
Shopee requires product names to be between 20 and 120 characters. Please update the product name in EasyStore to meet this requirement before re-syncing.
Product description must be between 20 to 3000 characters
Shopee requires product descriptions to be between 20 and 3000 characters. Please update the product description to meet this requirement in EasyStore before re-syncing.
Cannot have more than 2 variant types
Shopee only supports up to 2 variant types per product. Please update the product in EasyStore to reduce the variant types.
Cannot have more than 20 variant options
Shopee only supports up to 20 variant options per product. Please update the product in EasyStore to reduce the number of variant options.
Cannot have more than 50 variants
Shopee supports a maximum of 50 variants per product. Please reduce the number of variants in EasyStore and try re-syncing.
Variant type name cannot exceed 14 characters
Shopee requires variant type names (e.g., Size, Color) to be 14 characters or less. Please update the variant type name in EasyStore before re-syncing.
Variant option name cannot exceed 20 characters
Shopee requires variant option names (e.g., Red, Large, Small) to be 20 characters or less. Please update the variant option name in EasyStore before resyncing.
Weight must be between 0.01 to 1000000 kg
Shopee requires the product weight to be between 0.01 and 1000000 kg. Please update the product weight in EasyStore and resync.
Stock should be greater than 0
Shopee requires product or variant quantity to be 0 or greater but cannot be negative. Please update the product stock in EasyStore before re-syncing.
Must contain all mandatory attributes
This error occurs when mandatory fields are missing while syncing products to Shopee. Please ensure all required fields are filled out before attempting to resync.
Product image number is out of range (3-9)
Shopee requires products to have a minimum of 3 images and a maximum of 9. Ensure the product has the correct number of images before re-syncing.
This item is not allowed to edit
This error indicates that the item is not editable in Shopee. Please confirm whether the item is still available in Shopee. If it has been deleted, you can remove it in EasyStore’s Shopee channel.
Can't edit deleted items
This error occurs when attempting to edit items that no longer exist in Shopee. Please delete the item in EasyStore’s Shopee channel.
This error occurs because the order item variant data does not match EasyStore variants. Please ensure that the latest data in EasyStore is synced with Shopee.
📌 Note: If you face any issues while syncing your items to the Shopee channel, please contact our support team through the chatbox in your admin panel.
The common errors are divided into three sections:
Your access to shop has expired
This error indicates that your access to the Shopee shop has expired. Please reauthorize your account from the Shopee channel on the EasyStore Settings page.
Shop is under vacation mode
This error occurs when your shop is in vacation mode. Please go to Shopee Seller Center and disable vacation mode.
Invalid shop ID or Invalid account status
This error indicates that your Shopee shop may be frozen. Please contact Shopee customer service or your account manager for assistance.
Invalid Category ID
This error occurs when the selected category may be outdated. Please inform EasyStore about this.
Item-logisitics channel (ID: 20010) not in shop logistic list
This error occurs because the merchant has disabled the logistics channel on Shopee. Please re-enable the logistics channel on Shopee and resync the product.
Item-spex error: Item count reaches shop limit
This error occurs when the product count limit for your Shopee shop is reached. Please check the total number of products in Shopee and confirm whether you can create new products.
Volumetric weight should be between 0.01 and 30.0
This error occurs when product dimensions are missing. Please ensure the product’s width, length, and height are filled in and then resync.
Item-Length/Width/Height is mandatory for current category
Make sure the product dimension (length , width, height) must more than 1cm at EasyStore product detail page.
Can't update item price when item is under promotion
This error occurs because the product is under promotion in Shopee, and price updates are not allowed during promotions.
You can update other fields like inventory or title, but for price updates, please wait until the promotion ends. Refer to this link to see which product information can be edited during a promotion.
Item-spex error: Model price min/max ratio too high
This error occurs when the price gap between variants is too large (max/min ratio exceeds 7). Please adjust the price ratio between the variants and try syncing again.
Image download failed
The issue could be related to image size. Shopee requires images to be at least 500x500 pixels and under 2MB. Ensure your images meet these requirements and try resyncing. If the issue persists, it could be a temporary Shopee server issue—try again later.
Product name cannot be less than 20 & more than 120 characters
Shopee requires product names to be between 20 and 120 characters. Please update the product name in EasyStore to meet this requirement before re-syncing.
Product description must be between 20 to 3000 characters
Shopee requires product descriptions to be between 20 and 3000 characters. Please update the product description to meet this requirement in EasyStore before re-syncing.
Cannot have more than 2 variant types
Shopee only supports up to 2 variant types per product. Please update the product in EasyStore to reduce the variant types.
Cannot have more than 20 variant options
Shopee only supports up to 20 variant options per product. Please update the product in EasyStore to reduce the number of variant options.
Cannot have more than 50 variants
Shopee supports a maximum of 50 variants per product. Please reduce the number of variants in EasyStore and try re-syncing.
Variant type name cannot exceed 14 characters
Shopee requires variant type names (e.g., Size, Color) to be 14 characters or less. Please update the variant type name in EasyStore before re-syncing.
Variant option name cannot exceed 20 characters
Shopee requires variant option names (e.g., Red, Large, Small) to be 20 characters or less. Please update the variant option name in EasyStore before resyncing.
Weight must be between 0.01 to 1000000 kg
Shopee requires the product weight to be between 0.01 and 1000000 kg. Please update the product weight in EasyStore and resync.
Stock should be greater than 0
Shopee requires product or variant quantity to be 0 or greater but cannot be negative. Please update the product stock in EasyStore before re-syncing.
Must contain all mandatory attributes
This error occurs when mandatory fields are missing while syncing products to Shopee. Please ensure all required fields are filled out before attempting to resync.
Product image number is out of range (3-9)
Shopee requires products to have a minimum of 3 images and a maximum of 9. Ensure the product has the correct number of images before re-syncing.
This item is not allowed to edit
This error indicates that the item is not editable in Shopee. Please confirm whether the item is still available in Shopee. If it has been deleted, you can remove it in EasyStore’s Shopee channel.
Can't edit deleted items
This error occurs when attempting to edit items that no longer exist in Shopee. Please delete the item in EasyStore’s Shopee channel.
This error occurs because the order item variant data does not match EasyStore variants. Please ensure that the latest data in EasyStore is synced with Shopee.
📌 Note: If you face any issues while syncing your items to the Shopee channel, please contact our support team through the chatbox in your admin panel.
Updated on: 24/12/2024
Thank you!