Sell on Lazada
In this article:
Install and setup Lazada Malaysia app
Sync products from EasyStore to Lazada
Import products from Lazada to EasyStore
Adjust Lazada selling price in EasyStore
Fulfill Lazada orders in EasyStore and print shipping label
Adding watermark to product image
Display Lazada rating in Online store
Inventory Adjustment for Lazada
Thing you should know
📌 Kindly take note:
Make sure you have applied for a seller account with Lazada
Make sure you have set up weight and dimension for your products, kindly refer this guide for more details.
1. Install and setup Lazada Malaysia app
Step 1 : Log in to EasyStore’s Admin Panel > go to Lazada Malaysia app > Install this app.

Step 2 : Click on the Connect button to connect to your Lazada account.
Step 3 : Fill in your Lazada login details > click Submit.
Step 4 : Once done, you may start to setup the settings for Lazada Malaysia App.
Introduction of Lazada settings
1. Sync orders from Lazada Malaysia
When you enabled it, your orders from Lazada will be synced to your order management in EasyStore's admin panel. You may refer to Part 5 below to learn more about fulfilling Lazada orders from EasyStore.

2. Sync inventory only
When you enabled it, it will only sync your product's inventory and ignore all other product attributes.

3. The selling price in Lazada
Choose the product price you would like to sync to Lazada.
Price in EasyStore - Selling price in EasyStore
Compare at price in EasyStore - Original price

4. How you would like the Lazada coins and voucher to be showing in the order?
Choose the display of Lazada coins and vouchers in each Lazada order.
As discount in EasyStore - Shown in discount
As payment method in EasyStore - Shown in history
📌 Note : When you choose "as payment method in EasyStore", the Lazada coins and vouchers will be shown as a transaction in the order's history.

5. When delete product in EasyStore
Do nothing in Lazada Malaysia - Your products in Lazada wouldn't get affected.
Set as inactive in Lazada Malaysia - Your products in Lazada will become unlisted but allow you to hide the product listing temporarily without losing its information.
Delete permanently in Lazada Malaysia - Your products in Lazada will be deleted permanently.
If you choose the third option under the Settings tab, the deleted product cannot be restored so please delete it wisely

Step 5 : Once done, you may now start to sync products to your Lazada Seller Centre.
2. Sync products from EasyStore to Lazada
Step 1 : Go to EasyStore’s Admin Panel > Products > click into the product > select More Actions > "Sync to Lazada".

Or Go to EasyStore’s Admin Panel > Products > click on the drop down button on the far right of the product > click Publish beside "Sync to Lazada".

💡Tips: You can select the products and bulk sync your products to Lazada. Save your time by allowing you to edit and sync products at once from EasyStore.

Step 2 : Select Category in the Sync product detail page. Please make sure that you have selected the right category for your product.

Step 3 : Fill up the required information > click Submit.
📌 Note :
You can sync up to 9 images to Lazada
Make sure you have filled up the required info to avoid failing to sync to Lazada
Step 4 : The product has been synced successfully to Lazada.
📌 Note : If you encounter any error for the synchronize process. You may go to Apps > Lazada Malaysia > Products tab > click on the pink Error button to see the details

OR you can go to Product > Select product and see the error on right-hand Channels

Step 5 : After successful sync, you can view your products in your Lazada Seller Centre > Products > Manage Products.

💡Tips: You can bulk resync (resync the latest product information to Lazada) and bulk delete for the product that has been successfully synced to Lazada.
Step : Go to EasyStore Admin > channels > Lazada Malaysia > bulk select products > resync / delete

Here's a video for your reference:
3. Import products from Lazada to EasyStore
Step 1 : Go to EasyStore’s Admin Panel > Apps > Lazada Malaysia > click Import products.

Step 2 : Select your import method > Tick the products that you would like to import > click Import products. We have 3 import methods:
Ignore - no action
Create new product - import this product from Lazada and create as a new product in EasyStore
Link to - import this product from Lazada and link it with an existing product in EasyStore

Here's a small tutorial for your reference:

Step 3 : Products have been imported successfully to your store.

Here's a video for your reference:
4. Adjust Lazada selling price in EasyStore
Step 1 : If you would like to have different selling price in Lazada than in EasyStore, you can directly adjust in EasyStore as well. Go to EasyStore’s Admin Panel > Apps > Lazada Malaysia > click on the 0% under Lazada price.

Step 2 : Here you can choose to increase / decrease the selling price in Lazada by percentage (%) or amount (MYR) > click Update.

💡 Tips : Now you can choose to sync Price or Compared at Price to Lazada, refer back to Part 1.
5. Fulfill Lazada orders in EasyStore and print shipping label
Step 1 : If you have enabled Sync orders from Lazada Malaysia in Part 1 (Step 4) above, when the synced products receive Lazada orders, these orders will be synced back to your store and automatically update product inventory.

Step 2 : You can fulfill this order in your EasyStore’s Admin Panel as well. Click into order > Fulfill > Fulfill with Lazada.

Step 3 : Click Submit and order is fulfilled successfully. It is recommended that you continue with the next step to Print your Air Waybill.
You can print Air Waybill from Order page > More actions > Print Lazada Airway bill.

The supported AWB paper size contains A6, A5, and A4.
You are able to filter the orders with the shipping option (For Lazada Malaysia & Lazada Singapore only).

6. Adding watermark to product image
You are able to add/remove watermark to/from the selected products.
If added, the outcome will look like this in Lazada product page:

Step 1 : To do so, in your Lazada settings, under Product > click on More > and select Product Watermark

Step 2 : You will then reach to the Product Watermark setting page. This is the page where you can view your added watermarks / add a new product watermark.
To add, click on the top right Add Product Watermark.

Step 3 :
Insert the title of this Product Watermark image (only for your own preference)
Select/upload the watermark image.

Step 4 : Once uploaded the watermark image, may go back to the Product section where you can see the list of your products.
To apply the watermark on the product images, tick the selected products > click Apply Watermark
To remove the watermark on the product images , tick the selected products > click Remove Watermark

Step 5 : If chose to Apply Watermark, a pop up section will appear for you to select the watermark images > click Apply.

Step 6 : Once clicked Apply, there will be a notice on top to notify that the image is in process of being applied to your product image(s) on Lazada product page. Thus, you can also spot the product status as Inqueue .

Step 7 : Once the process is done, this is how the outcome looks like :

📌Important Notes :
Able to create max 10 watermarks only.
Currently only .png format is accepted for watermark image.
Make sure that the watermark background color is either transparent or white; or else the product image may get override.
Currently the watermark will only apply to the first image of the product.
Currently not able to adjust coordinate. Thus, if wish to push your business logo (for example) to the corner of the image, then may need to upload a watermark which the logo is already at the corner. For example like this :

7. Display Lazada rating in Online store
Step 1 : In your Lazada Malaysia settings, under Product > click on More > and select Product Rating
Step 2 : Enable the Display Lazada Malaysia product ratings on online store option

If enabled, the outcome will look like this on the Online store product page:

📌Important Notes :
Once enabled, this product rating is applied to all products that had been synced to Lazada. (This means there is no setting to choose which product wants to show the comment and which product doesn't want to show the comment)
Currently, all comments from Lazada will be shown, there is no setting to hide the specific comments.
Average Product Rating is not supported
8. Inventory Adjustment for Lazada
Now you can adjust the inventory quantity for individual marketplace channels as needed via the Multi Location Inventory features
When synchronizing products and creating orders with Lazada channel, the inventory will be sourced exclusively from the selected location.
Steps: Go to EasyStore’s admin > Channels > Lazada Malaysia > settings > Inventory locations > select the location from the drop down

If you want to add a new location to source the inventory for Lazada Malaysia channel, add it under EasyStore’s admin > settings > location
📌 Things to take note :
By default, the inventory for all marketplace channel will sourced from the primary location that has been set up under EasyStore’s admin > Settings > Locations
You will received required action for update the inventory location email when the selected location has been deleted from setting > locations.
These emails will be sent to the Account Email specified in Admin Panel Settings Page
Product inventories will be automatically re-synced when the selected location has been changed or updated in the Lazada Malaysia channel settings page.
Multi location feature that available for EasyStore's Retail Plan is needed to support the Inventory Adjustment for Lazada
9. Thing you should know
1. Filter and multiple order search
Filter for Lazada order based on order's sync status was added. You can filter it by All, Active, InQueue, and Error.
Besides, you can search for multiple order by adding a comma ( , )

2. Buyer Payment Method
If you wish to know about the Lazada buyer payment method, it can be check under channels > Lazada Malaysia > Orders > Search Lazada order number > Lazada order ID

Here's a video for reference:

Updated on: 07/04/2024
Thank you!