Articles on: Payment and Shipping

Set up selected courier service by disabling EasyParcel Rate

In this article:

Reason of the many courier services at checkout page
Disabling EasyParcel Rate
Set up selected courier service

1. Reason of the many courier services at checkout page

1.1 Once you've enabled EasyParcel Rate in EasyParcel Malaysia app, it will automatically show all the available courier services at checkout page.

However, some sellers would like to show the selected courier service only ( e.g. POS LAJU ). Here is the setup guide to suit this purpose:

2. Disabling EasyParcel Rate

2.1 Uncheck Enable EasyParcel Rate in Admin > Apps > EasyParcel Malaysia > Save.

3. Set up selected courier service

3.1 Go to Admin > Settings > Shippings > Add Shipping to manually add a new shipping method ( your selected courier service ) based on the shipping rate same as EasyParcel Malaysia shipping rate.

💡 Tips: You may set a shipping rate different from EasyParcel Malaysia shipping rate, it will still work.

3.2 Feel free to refer to articles below for more details about each shipping method:

Shipping Method (Based on weight)

Shipping Method (Based on flat rate per order)

Shipping Method (Based on item quantity)

Shipping Method (Based on flat rate per item)

3.3 Here is an example for POS Laju with shipping rate based on weight:

3.4 Save. 

3.5 Now your customers will see only the selected courier service at checkout page and you still can fulfill the orders using EasyParcel Malaysia service 😄

Updated on: 01/11/2023

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