Articles on: WhatsApp, Telegram, WeChat

LINE Login

In this article:
LINE Login Setup
LINE Messenging for Broadcast Center

1. LINE Login Setup

LINE is one of the messenging apps other than Telegram, Whatsapp, Wechat, KaoKao Talk & etc. Enabling LINE login means that customer able to get account at your Online Store without the needs of registering for an account manually.

Merchant can also set company logo as LINE login provider.
(Here's the example of EasyStore vs your own business as LINE login provider )

Step 1: To setup LINE login, go to LINE Business Account Manager to login / register with LINE account.

Step 2: Click on Settings > Messenging API > Enable Messenging API

Step 3: Fill in Developer info > click Agree > click OK to proceed

Step 4: Create a new provider account (Your company name) > May leave privacy policy & Term of use blank > Click OK

Step 5: Confirm account name and provider name to proceed, it will now enable messenging API on your LINE Business account.

Step 6: Before placing Channel Info to EasyStore LINE Channel, let's proceed with LINE Login channel setup by click on LINE Developers

Step 7: Click on the profile > select LINE Developers Console

Step 8: Make sure select the correct Provider that create specifically to connect with EasyStore

Step 9: Select "Create a new channel" option > select LINE Login

Step 10: Make sure the Channel type is LINE Login, provider correct, select Taiwan as region and Owners country / Region

Step 11: Make sure Channel name, Channel description, App types choose Web app

Example of setting up Channel Icon, Name & Description

What shown at Online Store login page

Note: Make sure to tick the agreement checkbox before proceed

Step 12: Now you have done the LINE login setup, now go to Basic settings > Basic Information > copy Channel ID > paste in EasyStore LINE Channel > settings > Line login > customer settings

Step 13: Scroll down to Channel secret > copy and paste in paste in EasyStore LINE Channel > settings > Line login > customer settings

Note: Remember to click save button in Easystore after placing Channel ID & Channel secret

Step 14: Now head back to LINE Developers Console > click on “LINE Login” > paste into the callback URL section > click update when done

Step 15: Now scroll down to OpenID Connect section,click Apply > tick both checkbox and provide screenshot of your Online Store login page > Click submit

Example Login page from Online Store

Step 16: Lastly click the Developing status box

The popup box will appear, click publish button to change the status to Published

2. LINE Messenging for Broadcast Center

The following steps will guide on how to set up LINE messenging for Broadcast Center. After allowing customers to login Online Store with LINE, "Add Friend" function will automatically pop up when LINE messenging activated, this will allow customers to add your LINE official account as a friend.

If you want to enable the LINE channel to send group messages in the customer group message function, here's what to do:

Step 1: Login to LINE Developer website > click profile > LINE Developers console

Step 2: Make sure selecting the correct provider from the left listing > then select Messanging API

Step 3: Now go to Messanging API Tab > scroll down to bottom and click the issue button

Step 4: Copy the Token and paste it in Channels > LINE > LINE login > Broadcast center > LINE messaging Channel access token

Step 5: Now go back to LINE Developer Console, go to LINE Login Channel > Basic Settings, scroll down to search for Linked OA > from the dropdown box select Messaging API Official Account.

Step 6: Done, the setup is complete. When customer login with LINE at Online Store, Add Friend button will shown up, this will lead customer to add your official account as friend for them to reach out your business easier.

Note: Whether not customer add your official account as friend, they still can login to their account.

Updated on: 17/11/2023

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