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Set up LINE Order Form

In this article:

About LINE Order Form
How does it work?
Steps to setup LINE Order Form
Tips : Insert referral code in LINE Order Form

1. About LINE Order Form

Just create a form and you will get a permanent link for every form created, the link is a shorten link (e.g. that can be shared across your social media, messaging app.

Customers can place order and make payment (both manual & auto payment gateway for normal checkout) via LINE

For LINE shortlink checkout, only support manual payment method.

You can create different form that include different products. For example, one form is for seafood, another form is for meat.

We suggest one form includes not more than 30 products for the best mobile scrolling experience for your customers.

2. How does it work?

Message from customers

Customer messages you on LINE

Send them your order form link

Customer choose the products they want, fill up details > "Send Message" to ask more questions or "Buy Now" to proceed with payment

You receive order via LINE

If "Send Message" was pressed, a second link will be generated, customer can click this link to proceed with payment too

Customer clicks the link to place order

You receive orders via LINE

Customer can click second link to pay

This is a demo on the conversation :

3. Steps to setup LINE Order Form

Step 1 : Admin panel > Channels > LINE > Enable it

Step 2 : Settings > Fill in your display name and LINE Official Account ID (starting with @) that will be receiving orders

Step 3 : Save

Step 4 : Back to Order forms > Add order form

Step 5 : Insert title > Choose products for your form

Step 6 : Choose the information you need from customers

Step 7 : Save > open the order form again to get your form link

Step 8 : Share this link to your customers and start receiving orders via LINE

4. Tips : Referral code for LINE Order Form

Your referrals can get their LINE referral custom link from you. May refer to this guide here to setup referrals.

To share LINE referral link to referral, may get it from referral program channel

Updated on: 17/11/2023

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