Articles on: Order and Reporting

Order status

In this article:

Order status
Payment status
Fulfillment status

1. Introduction

Order status tells you intuitively what you should do next on this order, you might need to follow up payment with your customers or prepare to despatch the parcel already.

Besides that, you can filter your orders by its :
Order status
Payment status
Fulfillment status

Date and channel are quite self-explanatory. In this article we will more focus on order, payment and fulfillment status to help you understand what they mean and what actions will bring the orders into this status.

2. Order status

2.1 Open

Orders which are not canceled, archived, deleted and unfulfilled will have Open status. This is the only order type that contributes to the red order count beside the Orders tab.

2.2 Cancelled

Orders normally are canceled when:
customers no longer wish to buy
you're unable to sell due to certain reasons (out of stock)

Once the order has been canceled, customers are not able to make the payment again (starting from 20th October 2021). However, it still can be marked as paid automatically (via payment gateways callback data) OR manually mark the order as paid.

Step 1 : You can cancel an order by clicking on the Cancel order button in the order.

Step 2 : When you cancel an order, the system will ask you :

To fill in Reason
If you would like to Notify customer by email ( you can see the email template in Admin > Settings > Templates > Order Cancelled Email )
If you would like to Restock ( add back ) the item quantity into inventory, only applicable to products that let "EasyStore tracks inventory of this product". If checked, the order Fulfillment status will turn Restocked after cancellation
The restock quantity

Step 3 : If you would like to reverse the cancellation, you can click on the Restore button in the order.

📌 Note: Restored canceled order will work as the normal order which means, can make the payment again & able to mark the order as paid by gateway callback OR manually mark as paid.

Step 4 : When restoring the order, the system will ask if you would like to Deduct stock from inventory again (this option only available if you've restocked this order previously)

2.3 Archive

Normally refers to orders you wish to back up and refer back in the future. FYI, once you have archived the order:
customers are not able to make payments again

the order status would not be able to be updated to paid even if it's callback from the payment gateway or manually marked as paid

And let's say if you choose to restore the archived order, you may still need to be manually marked as paid.

2.4 Deleted

Your order trash/dustbin, normally you delete an order when it is neither Cancelled nor Archived but you want to remove it from Open orders.

Bear in mind that archiving or deleting an order will not restock the item quantity back into inventory.
Customers would not be able to make the payment if the orders have been deleted (regardless if it's callback from payment gateway or manually mark as paid)
To archive or delete an order, simply select the order and click on the related button.
If you choose to restore the deleted orders, you may still need to be manually marked as paid

📌 Note: To find back deleted order, you must filter order listing to Status = Deleted first and type the order number in the search bar

3. Payment status

3.1 Paid

Customers have paid in full amount for these orders. An order could be changed into PAID status:

Automatically, when this order is paid through payment gateway and our system has received the callback data to update the payment status from payment gateway ( you can manually fulfill this type of order as well )

Manually by Mark as paid, when the customer has chosen manual/offline payment method like Bank Transfer or QR code pay

3.2 Unpaid

An order is showing Unpaid status after the customer placed an order but did not complete the payment process. For these orders, you are recommended to follow up payments with your customer.

There are two methods:

Method 1️⃣ : Send a payment reminder email to your customers.

Method 2️⃣ : Personally approach your customers so that they will go back to your website > log in > My Account > click into the order > click Pay to complete payment.

3.3 Cash on Delivery

Customers have opted to pay upon receiving their products/orders. Learn how to set up COD payment method.

3.4 Partially paid

Only partial payment has been received for these orders, customers haven't paid the full amount yet. Only you can mark an order as partially paid by adjusting the amount ( less than the total order amount ) during Mark as paid.

3.5 Refunded

You refund the order when you need to return the customer the amount they have paid for this order.

Refunding an order in EasyStore admin is more for record purposes and will not communicate with the bank or payment gateway directly. For the actual monetary refund, you can personally liaise with the customer, bank or payment gateway to complete

Step 1 : You can refund an order by clicking on the Refund button in the order.

Step 2 : When you refund an order, system will ask you:

To fill in Reason, Amount & Type of refund ( you can refund in amount or credit )

If you would like to Notify customer by email ( you can see the email template in Admin > Settings > Templates > Order Refund Email )

If you would like to Restock ( add back ) the item quantity into inventory, only applicable to products that let "EasyStore tracks inventory of this product". If checked, the order Fulfillment status will turn Restocked after cancellation

The restock quantity

Step 3 : This payment status is irreversible from your admin panel.

📌 Note : The payment gateway that supports auto-refund via EasyStore admin panel would be:

4. Fulfillment Status

4.1 Fulfilled

Fulfilling an order means you have shipped the order and informed customers with the tracking info. There are two methods you can fulfill an order in EasyStore:

Fulfill with connected apps like EasyParcel Malaysia and other 3rd party logistic services here
Fulfill manually

4.2 Unfulfilled

These orders have not been fulfilled. All newly created orders will be showing this status as the orders have not been shipped yet.

4.3 Partially fulfilled

It means only partial products/quantities in this order have been fulfilled and shipped. You can only partially fulfill an order through manual fulfillment.

4.4 Restocked

Item quantities will be auto deducted from inventory once an order is created ( including Unpaid orders ). Restock means you add the item quantity back to your inventory.

Updated on: 19/03/2024

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