Messages Inbox
In this article:
Add Messages Platform
View and reply to messages
FAQ that you should know
1. Introduction
Are you tired of juggling multiple messaging platforms to keep up with your customers' inquiries?
EasyStore’s message inbox feature streamlines your customer communication into one convenient place, allowing you to reply to messages at your convenience that support:
Facebook Messenger
Whatsapp Business
With messages inbox features, say goodbye to wasted time and resources in switching between multiple platform in resolving customer inquiries. Messages Inbox feature is available for EasyStore's Business, Essential, Growth and Success Plan.
2. Add Messaging Platform
Steps: Go to EasyStore’s admin panel > Messages > Messaging Channels > Select the messaging platform that you'd link to Platforms setting > Add platform
2.1 Add WhatsApp Business API messaging platform
Steps: Follow the steps in this guide to add WhatsApp Business API messaging
2.2 Add Messenger messaging platform
Step 1: Click Connect to Facebook button
If you have enabled Messenger channel in EasyStore, your messenger will be automatically connected under messaging platform. May continue with adding Platform name > Save
2.3 Add LINE messaging platform
Before adding LINE platform, kindly ensure that your LINE Business account is ready with Messaging API.
If you do not have a LINE Messaging API, please refer this guide to create. Once you have created the Messaging API from LINE portal, you can follow the steps below to proceed
Step 1: Log in to the LINE Developer > Select an existing Messaging API Channel > Basic Settings > Copy the Channel ID > Paste into the Channel ID field in EasyStore
Step 2: Scroll down to Channel secret > Copy Channel secret > paste to Channel Secret field in EasyStore
Step 3: Go to Messaging API tab > Scroll down to Channel access token > copy the key (click the reissue button if the key is not available) > paste to Channel Token field in EasyStore
Step 4: Enter the Platform name in EasyStore > Save
Step 5: Refresh LINE Developer portal > Webhook URL in Messaging API will be updated
Step 6: Enable the Use Webhook option > Done
2.4 Add Telegram messaging platform
Step 1: Refer this guide here to obtain Telegram Channel/ API Token
Step 2: Copy the Token provided by Telegram bot > paste it to Channel Token field in EasyStore
Step 3: Enter the Platform name in EasyStore > Save
3. View and reply to messages
After added the messaging platform successfully, the messages received will appear under Inbox
With EasyStore Inbox messages, you can directly reply to customer’s inquiries within EasyStore’s admin panel, as well as send attachment, images, emojis, and reply to specific messages
You can link existing customers or create new customers to the conversation for ease of accessing their information
When the conversation with customer ends, you can choose to close the conversation, and the conversation will appear under the "closed".
A closed conversations can be re-open anytime when needed
Updated on: 27/11/2024
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